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Why is Nisso Shoji chosen?

We have received a high evaluation from customers based on three reasons why we are chosen:
"performance", "proposal power" and "human skill".

Why is Nisso Shoji chosen?-1
Total support by business performance over three quarters of a century since 1939.

  • Performance
  • Performance icon

Since Nisso Shoji was founded in 1939, we have dealt with many companies for stock/sales and still conducted business transactions with them to this day. On the other hand, we are proactively developing markets in overseas areas such as mainly Asian countries to expand transactions with new customers. We will continue to strengthen our relationship with each and every customer and fully support our customers as a company that they may consult with on any issue.

Why is Nisso Shoji chosen?-2
We propose wide-ranging value by strong cooperation with suppliers in each industrial field.

  • Proposal power
  • Proposal power icon

While Nisso Shoji is a specialized trading company, we handle a wide range of industrial products such as chemicals, machines, synthetic resins, livestock and construction-related products, and build strong cooperation with excellent suppliers in each business domain to retain specialized and advanced information on those domains.

Why is Nisso Shoji chosen?-3
We contribute to the value creation of customers.

  • Human skill
  • Human skill icon

Making maximum use of Nisso Shoji's business style cultivated during our 80 years long-standing continuous transactions with customers: listening carefully to customer's needs, having a sincere point of view close to the customer's problem resolution and valuing human resources, we will further strengthen our relationships with customers and contribute to the customer's new business value creation as well as proposing optimum products.

See Business expansion
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